Our Family

Our family is not so little anymore.  We have grown to a family of seven.  Matt and I are raising 5 little monkeys and loving it!! We have Brayden age 10, Madison age 9, Emma age 6, Mylie age 2, and Noah age 1.  We feel very blessed to have our kids and each other. We are living in Broomfield Colorado where Matt is practicing dentistry.  Everyone is happy and healthy and life is good.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I got to get my spiritual fill at BYU Women's Conference with my girlfriends from Colorado.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Summer Vacation 2010

Matt had 5 days off since starting his practice so we have been playing around in Colorado. The first day it rained so we stayed close to home. We went to Red Robin for lunch and everyone got milkshakes. The lady said that is a lot of milkshakes for one family. It's times like that that I realize we have a big family. We went to a place called Jump Street where they have tons of trampolines put together and they are even on the walls. The kids jumped for two hours straight and they were so sweaty afterwards. Noah and Mylie jumped in the bounce houses and Brayden and Madison played dodge ball on the trampolines. They had a bouncing good time .

Monday, June 21, 2010

My favorite Park- By Madison

We have been outside a lot!  This is my favorite park because it's by my dad's practice and it has a great climbing tree!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Noah is 18 months and he is a little athlete.  I have never seen a baby line up their foot and kick like him.  He has quite an arm on him too! He loves balls and being outside.  We love Noah and are so happy he came to our family!!
Madison is growing up way to fast!!  She has braces now and looks super cute in them.  She is busy running track and she loves soccer and swimming.  She is my little Mommy Jr. She takes such good care of the kids. She looks and acts so much like her dad.  She is so much fun to be with.  We love Madison!!